Whats adderall feel like

Whats an over the counter alternative to.
What does adderall make you feel like?.

Whats adderall feel like
Whats adderall feel like
A few weeks ago I heard here on Bluelight about the benzedrex inhalers, so of course, I had to try it for myself. I've consumed several of those inhalers during that07.11.2007 · Best Answer: If the main reason you were taking Adderall was for ADHD, then you could ask your doctor if he will let you try an alternative, perhaps
Benzedrex - experienced - like adderall
I kept getting my dosage upped because I wasn't 'feeling' anything on it, and not noticing if there were any changes. So now it's at 25 miligrams and I 'feel'…
04.12.2009 · Best Answer: If you actually have add I'm not sure if it works that well to get you high at least. Cause my old dealer (pot, pills,etc.) actually had add
How To Quit Adderall | Quitting Adderall.
How are you supposed to 'feel' on a.
What Feels Like a Breast .