day 21 progesterone of 8.5

day 5
What does Day 21 progesterone test show?.
day 21 progesterone of 8.5
day 21 progesterone of 8.5

TTC & Cycle Day 21 - Progesterone level.
I was just wondering what kind of day 21 progesterone levels everyone has gotten. I usually get about 7-7.5 on a regular cycle and about 8.5 on a Clomid cycle.
Day 21 progesterone levels? - Actively.
day 5 Schnell Zum Besten Preis!
So my level is down this month (was 11.4 last month) and I'm a little worried. Dr's office says that's a normal level, (indicates I ovulated) but is a little low.
24.02.2009 · Best Answer: I TTC naturally for a year before starting Clomid. My progesterone level before Clomid was 6 naturally. Month 1--50 mg Clomid, progesterone
Evening all, I have posted before but not recently. I have been ttc for a year, and have used CBFM for 5 months, with no luck. I only got 3 bars on 2 out of the 5
day 5 Progesterone Test Day 21
21 day progesterone results!!!!!!!!!!?.